Cheap Color Kinetics DMX Driver
Color Kinetics (a subsidiary of Philips) builds RGB based LED lighting fixtures. Some of the older, obsolete models, can be purchased fairly inexpensively on ebay . They are typically powered and driven by an expensive power supply unit called the PDS-150e. This device interfaces a set of lighting fixtures to either a DMX controller or a proprietary Color Kinetics communication protocol. I reverse engineered the DMX interface and came up with this very simple interface circuit that lets a DMX controller drive a few specific CK lights. The iColor Cove 6”, iColor Cove 12” and ColorBurst 4 and 6 have a 3-wire interface carrying +24 volts, ground and a re-driven DMX signal. My circuit re-drives the DMX signal using voltage levels acceptable to the fixtures. All you need to supply is a 24 VDC regulated power supply and a DMX controller.

Driving a iColor Cove 6"

View of driver board

Connection to fixture (signal in middle)