
tCam-Mini is based off of on-going work on tCam. It is designed to make radiometric data from a Lepton 3.1R and 3.5 thermal imaging modules available via Wifi for remote access. It is supported by a desktop application, IOS app, simple web server and python library.
tCam-Mini is open-source hardware and software. The design and documentation may be found on Github. Its development has been documented on Assembled, tested units are available for purchase from Group Gets with or without an external antenna. Please contact me for more information.
An alternative firmware that gives the tCam-Mini hardware the ability to drive a monochrome composite video signal (PAL or NTSC) can be found at this repo.
tCam-Mini is open-source hardware and software. The design and documentation may be found on Github. Its development has been documented on Assembled, tested units are available for purchase from Group Gets with or without an external antenna. Please contact me for more information.
An alternative firmware that gives the tCam-Mini hardware the ability to drive a monochrome composite video signal (PAL or NTSC) can be found at this repo.
tCam-Mini is comprised of two components.
- Hardware design based around Flir Lepton 3.0/3.1R/3.5 and an ESP32 micro-controller. The hardware design may also be hand-built using off-the-shelf breakout and development boards.
- Firmware for the ESP32.
- 160x120 pixel Radiometric Thermal Imaging Camera (Flir Lepton 3.5)
- USB interface for power, firmware updates and diagnostic output
- Wifi interface capable of either AP or client modes for remote access
- Simple json-based packet interface
- Time-lapse or streaming modes
- High temperature event monitoring
- Device thermal monitoring
- Structure thermal leakage analysis
- Wildlife detection and monitoring
- Thermal biometric monitoring
- Remote accessible camera for AI and data processing applications
Software Support
- Desktop Application for Linux, OS X and Windows.
- Simple recording web server
- Python library
- Android App Download or APK by Jim Turner
- iOS App for iPhone and iPad
- R library written by Bob Rudus

Firmware upgrades and software packages may be found in the github repository and as individual downloads below.
Quick start instructions for using tCam-Mini.
Firmware version 3.2 binary files for Revision 3 ESP32 chips with 8 MB Flash and the Windows-based programming utility. This package may be used to upgrade firmware in PCB-based tCam-Mini and tCam-POE cameras such as those from Group Gets. Note that if you've already upgraded to version 2.0 firmware, you can use the desktop application's OTA firmware update using only the "tCamMini.bin" file found in this release.
Firmware version 1.3 binary files for Revision 1 ESP32 chips and the Windows-based programming utility. Do not use this firmware for production boards. It is meant for hand-built cameras using 4MB flash and/or Revision 1 silicon only.
The tCam Family Serial Updater desktop computer utility program running on Mac OS X, Linux or Windows. It can be used to load the latest firmware onto a tCam-Mini via the serial port initially or any time you want to update. Requires internet connection as the firmware is downloaded from this website.
Unfortunately I could not sign the Mac OS or Windows versions because of the compiled esptool it uses to do the actual flashing. This means on Mac OS you'll have to go to System Preferences->Security & Privacy and manually confirm it's ok to run it. Windows may also give you grief about downloading the zip file and then running the binary.
Unfortunately I could not sign the Mac OS or Windows versions because of the compiled esptool it uses to do the actual flashing. This means on Mac OS you'll have to go to System Preferences->Security & Privacy and manually confirm it's ok to run it. Windows may also give you grief about downloading the zip file and then running the binary.
Version 3.9.2 of the Espressif download tool provided here for your convenience. Use this program on a Windows computer to load the complete set of binary files onto tCam-Mini.
Note: It's probably easier to use the tCam Family Serial Updater utility but this utility is useful for loading older versions of the firmware or situations where you don't have internet access.
Note: It's probably easier to use the tCam Family Serial Updater utility but this utility is useful for loading older versions of the firmware or situations where you don't have internet access.
Desktop application version 3.2.0 allowing viewing, file storage from images, OTA FW updates and graphing of up to five temperature points in an image. Documentation can be found in the github repository. Now with the ability to check for updates.
Windows users may have to install Bonjour (mDNS) support using this installer from Apple.
Linux users may need to install libwebkit2gtk to view the built-in documentation.
The ARMv7 version of the application requires a Raspberry Pi 4 or faster in order to stream images at the fastest rate. Slower computers might have trouble keeping up and the application controls may become unresponsive.
Mac version is signed but you should Allow Apps from "App Store and identified developers".
Windows users may have to install Bonjour (mDNS) support using this installer from Apple.
Linux users may need to install libwebkit2gtk to view the built-in documentation.
The ARMv7 version of the application requires a Raspberry Pi 4 or faster in order to stream images at the fastest rate. Slower computers might have trouble keeping up and the application controls may become unresponsive.
Mac version is signed but you should Allow Apps from "App Store and identified developers".
A simple two-piece enclosure designed to be cut on a laser cutter. Includes both DXF and SVG files.
A two-piece enclosure and optional GoPro™ compatible mount designed to be printed on a FDM 3D printer. Supports both Rev 2 (Micro-B USB) and Rev 4 (USB C) PCB versions. Pictures shown below.
A two-piece enclosure for a FDM 3D printer contributed by tCam-Mini user Zeke Gustafson.
A set of body and mount designs for the Rev 4 tCam-Mini with and without external antenna created by Harry. STL and STEP files with BOM for hardware parts.