Silent Solutions Security
Motion Sensor Board for Security Applications
A battery-powered motion sensor designed to be connected with off-the-shelf alarm system transmitters for use on construction sites and at industrial locations.
Configuration and measurement application to characterize motion in various real environments and configure settings in motion sensors including default restoration.
- Aggressive power management for multi-year operation using industry standard batteries
- Easy to configure and test in the field with LED and DIP switch presets
- Programmable configuration settings
- Data acquisition mode with real time XYZ acceleration sensing
Configuration and measurement application to characterize motion in various real environments and configure settings in motion sensors including default restoration.

Universal Power Board for Security Applications
Designed to support deployment of solutions using the Raspberry Pi as a local controller. Implemented as a Pi HAT to power and provide additional functionality.
- Wide Power Input: 8-28 VAC, 8-48 VDC
- Battery backed Real Time Clock
- Power switched USB port
- On-board temperature monitoring
- Operating system auto-configuration